Puffins & friends now on the Farne Islands


The Puffins are back on the Farne Islands 37,000 pairs of breeding puffin, figures from National Trust site

They are iconic birds with their black back and white fronts, amazingly marked heads and bills. To quote from the  RSPB “Its comical appearance is heightened by its red and black eye-markings and bright orange legs. Used as a symbol for books and other items, this clown among seabirds is one of the world’s favourite birds.”

We too have been ‘clowning around’ creating our prototype of this amazing visitor, pictured above on the rocks with authentic bird poo! We have fallen in love with the puffin and decided to make a pattern which is available as a sewing kit for all you puffin enthusiasts (advanced knowledge of sewing required).

Please contact us to talk ‘birds’. Price for a kit: £16 (incl p&p)